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derive therefrom a certain amount of pleasure and satisfaction. H, for instance, a child dislikes his daily school, as we know some children do. much better cooj)eration on his part can be secured if the teacher is able to show him the pleasure of achievement, the satisfaction of having really done something. The features in his work which really interest him can be emphasized and the day is com- ing when our school curriculum to child, and less adjustment of child to curriculum. In, New York State there has been established a series of twenty-seven mental clinics under the direction of the physicians of the State hospitals for the insane, at which any child, or adidt. may receive expert medical advice and treatment in re- gard Purchase Discount Cialis Online to mental disease. These clinics constitute a part of the State Hospital Commission's program of mental hygiene. The State Department of Ed- ucation and the State Hospital Commission are cooperating in the develoiiment of a plan whereby these clinics may be used for the examination of school children who give Purchase Discount Cialis Online evidence to the medical insi^cctor of needing advice and treatment by a psychiatrist. These clinics are also attended by a trained social worker who can cooperate with the teacher in bringing about a better adjustment be- tween the child and his environment by modifying, wherever possible, improi>er and distressing home (.onditions. fortifying the child against mental disorders corisists, then, in giving him definite information as to the effects of alcohol and syphilis upon the cen- tral nervous system. He should also be taught the great value of meeting with courage the problems of his daily life, the danger of excessive introspec- tion and brooding over the impossibilities of life, and the necessity of finding in his life work a cer- tain amount Purchase Discount Cialis Online of satisfaction. I'he teacher must watch for danger signals and bring those children who make poor mental adjustment to life and its problems to the Purchase Discount Cialis Online attention of a physician familiar with the nature and treatment of mental dis- ease. I hope the time is not far distant when we shall be able to give the child a certain amount of instruction in the fundamentals of mental hygiene, including a certain amount of [)sycholog\' and the _study of the various fac- tors which make up the ])ersonality, emphasiz- ing and Purchase Discount Cialis Online developing wholesome traits of char- acter and suppressing those that are undesirable. The Horace Mann School of New York has al- ready started in an experimental way a study of the personality of the school child. His various traits, habits, and abilities are estimated as accu- rately as possible when he enters the school and •in effort made to develop those that are desirable ;ind which make for efficiency and success. Herbert Spencer has defined life as a series of adjustments of inner relations to outer relations. If this be true, we must admit that the chief aim of education should be to develop in so far as possi- ble the adjusting cajiacity of the child. There is Purchase Discount Cialis Online much to commend in modern methods of education as tending toward this end. \'ocational guidance is finding out what the individual is fitted for. or. in other words, the environiuent to which he can hoix- to make a successful adjustment. Vocational tramiiig then steps in and develops his capacity for his chosen line of endeavor. We no longer believe that all boys and girls should have advanced aca- demic training. Many mental breakdowns are a sad testimonial to the fact that all children cannot survive such training. There is still much to be learned in the field of mental hygiene and its appli- cation to the methods and principles of education. Mental health and mental efficiency will be best promoted when we have an effective and active co- operation between teacher, Purchase Discount Cialis Online parent, school physician, and social worker. Radium in the Treatment of Hodgkin's Dis- ease. — Harry B. Kurtz (Urologic and Cutaneous Purchase Discount Cialis Online Rcrii-'.i\ February, Ii)i8) rejiorts a case Purchase Discount Cialis Online treated with radium with great improvement. The dose at first was fifty mgin. of radium in tubes and ten mgm. of varnish applicator properly screened for 1, 080 mgm. hours. It varied from ten to sixty mgm. and the total nuiuber of mgm. hours was S.ioo. March i5, 191S.] SMITH: ll\4SSERMANN TEST FOR SYPHILIS. 489 THE WASSERMANN COMPLEMENT FIXA- TION TEST FOR SYPHILIS. By J. WiiEELER Smith, Jr., M. D., New Purchase Discount Cialis Online York, .\5s0ciate in Bacteriology, New York Post-Graduatc MeJical School and Hospital; First Lieutenant, M. R. C, U. S. A. ill. Thk Preparation and Titration of the Lipoid Antigen, the Preparation of THE Serum of the Patient, and the Tech NIC of the Per- formance OF the Test. "While lipoidal extracts," to quote Kolmer (i), "as well as normal and luetic serums may separ- ately absorb or fix small amounts of complement, a mixture of a suitable extract and syphilitic serum is capable of fixing large amounts of complement, and this constitutes the main principle and all that is definitely known of the syphilis reaction." The serum of a syphilitic contains a variable amount of a Purchase Discount Cialis Online peculiar substance, which is called, by analogy, "syphilis antibody." It is not a true antibody in the common acceptation of the term. An antibody is a substance produced by the body cells of a host in response to the stimulus provided by an antigen, and which is directly antagonistic to the antigen. The commonly employed Wassermann antigen is an alcoholic solution of tissue lipoids. As